Beauty chasing…

I will forever be a truth and beauty chaser. I am most inspired by things found in nature and in God’s word. I find myself often asking the questions, “How can I do that in clay?” Or “What happens when I put that in my hands?” I have a constant curiosity about the world God made and the truth he reveals through beauty. Much of my functional work is very simple and utilitarian. When I think about the pottery I most enjoy,  it isn't the beautiful hand carved vase high on the shelf that took me days to make. I think of the mismatched but well loved bowls that I use to feed my family everyday. I've come to appreciate their individual shape, the way they retain heat, they way their various textures feel in my hands. They are a lot like old friends. Over time, I have come to know and love all of their strengths as well as their flaws. I put a lot of love into my pieces and my hope is that they will bring joy to their owners and reflect the craftsmanship and beauty that God gives to each of us.


Spring fever…


Beginning again.