Spring fever…

It’s bad this year. My patient husband and close friends have already had to endure my incessant rambling about all I’ve been learning about soil health and companion planting…and it’s only February. This is a special brand of avoidance behavior that seems to crop up on me each winter when it is super cold in the studio. I do have a space heater but it just takes the edge off enough to work. On the days I’ve braved the cold out there, I start with a steaming hot bucket of water and the work that comes from my hands is equally obsessed with all things planty. As I write this it is snowing and the windchill is -22 F. I’m watching this adorable little squirrel out of our office/schoolroom window, nibbling away at one of the mixed nuts I left for them on the front porch (not sure why I buy those each Christmas, since everyone in our family maybe cracks open a few and then they are just left out to collect dust.) I wish I was as hardy as he is. I’m always wishing I had more time to make, more capacity. Then the Lord gently reminds me that what I can make in the time that I have is enough. Everything in its own time–like the Spring that is coming….eventually.


Beauty chasing…